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Systemic Management

Organizations are Complex Systems, whose performance are determined by their Constraints

We Focus Improvement with Theory of Constraints

Theory of Constraints: The Foundations of Our Solutions

Theory of Constraints - abbreviated as TOC - is a Scientific Management approach developed by Dr. E. Goldratt, for improving performance of each  Organisation by focusing the management attention on the limiting factors. Starting from a simple and coherent algorithm to exploit the constraints, TOC evolved from Manufacturing to many other functional areas:

  • Supply Chain Planning and Executionsynchronizing flow, reducing lead times and working capital, improving cash-to-cash cycle time, with demand-driven approaches. Hence the Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) has derived the logic at the foundations of its algorithms.

  • Inventory & Distribution, adopting pull logic to replenish the network, improving availability and service level to unleash the full potential of the Organisation.

  • Project Management, delivering superior results on Project and Project Portfolio Management, achieving on time and on budget performance without compromising the Project Statement of Work.

  • Strategy, Decision Making and Controlling, applying a paradigm shift to Business Architecture Design and Organisational Performance Measurement

  • Sales, by offering solutions to differentiate the offering and create your own Blue Ocean.

Image by Nathan Lindahl

Organizations are Systems

Systems are limited by constraints

Constraints as leverage points


How to 

exploit them?

They Say About Theory of Constraints


Luca Zigiotti - CFO

Theory of Constraints has simply changed my life, both personally and professionally, giving me the right key to understand the corporate world [...] Because TOC cleanses our minds and focuses people on a single and core question: why aren't we making as much money as we could? 

And if we realize that TOC demonstrates that what we call "faults" are very often just illogical behaviors that are caused by wrong measures, then the sense of liberation is truly full.

Every time I've applied TOC principles in my professional life, the results have been extraordinary.

TOC Benchmark


Average performance documented by a University research titled "Analysis and Discussion of Successful TOC Applications" conducted by S.J. Balderstone and V. Mabin,  surveying 81 companies - from large corporations to local SMEs.

Image by Lukas Blazek


Average Revenue


Thanks to improvements in Customer Service Levels enabled by shorter lead times

Image by Korie Cull


Average Inventory


Through the controlled flow of operations to prevent overproduction

Image by Mathew Schwartz



Lead Times Reduction

Thanks to synchronization of flow through the constraints, allowing to reduce queue and wait times

Image by Artur Aldyrkhanov


Combined Financial Improvement

Average combination of increase in revenues, throughput, cash and saving on working capital 


Solutions to Create the Stream

Image by Jeremy Bishop

Solutions for the leadership to implement strategy and tactics and to improve the decisional processes to make an impact on performance

Image by Felix Mittermeier

Discover how we help you creating  your Blue Ocean through the alignment of strategy and tactics

Strategy & Tactics

Image by Alexander Schimmeck

We bring you tools and knowledge to improve decisions and for making better use of resources

Performance & Decisions

Solutions for managers to implement flow, for any process, be it manufacturing planning or execution, supply chain and distribution or back office processes to be optimized

Image by Clayton Cardinalli

We bring knowledge and tools for synchronizing processes and predicting their results through planning, simulation and execution

Manufacturing &

Image by fabio

We help you at mitigating  the risk of decisions  with a Digital Twin of your Process, to simulate scenario and their potential output

Dynamic Process

We apply a rich set of solutions to implement a Flow-oriented culture and processes: from Strategy & Tactics to Supply Chain & Operations, from Planning and Performance Management to Project Management...

Solutions for project environments: to improve the delivery rates of single projects or complex project portfolio in knowledge intensive environments, ICT projects or Engineering-to-Order complex products

Image by SpaceX

We bring in knowledge and solutions to deliver better and more projects in complex environments

TOC solutions for
Project Management


TOC Critical Chain and TameFlow applied to Project Management Applications



Solutions for the CFO to link financial planning, budgeting, decisions and business simulation to operations planning under the perspective of Throughput.

Image by SpaceX

We bring a new perspective to the CFO for making budgets, playing a central role in S&OP and business simulation



We improve the value of your S&OP process applying Theory of Constraints and Throughput Economics 

WD PlanninG

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